新濠天地app新濠天地app-家长通讯- 2020年12月4日

Parents FYI combines important information from Geneva College to parents of Geneva students into one email communication. 它将继续定期发送给您. 如果你有反馈或问题 Parents FYI, please contact information@afroradionetwork.com.
Need 2 Know!



亲爱的家长们:秋季学期已经结束了, and we could not have conducted our Geneva face-to-face instruction under pandemic conditions without God's grace and your support. Thank you for your patience and the trust you placed in us by sending your student to campus this fall.




Please know that faculty and staff prayed for your students as they took their finals. 新濠天地app希望他们踢得好. If there are any assignments your students need to complete in these final days, 请鼓励他们和他们的教授一起工作. 期末成绩将于12月14日截止.



又到了那个时候了! Don't forget to have your student fill out their 2021-2022 FAFSA for the upcoming year. Students can download the app and fill it out right from their device. 把它们送到学生援助中心.现在就完成FAFSA!



春季学期的课程表公布了! It’s going to start a bit later, with classes beginning Tuesday, January 19. The schedule will not be as condensed as this fall has been and has some extra days off built in. 你自己去看看吧.



All full-time registered undergraduate students are eligible to enroll in a monthly, interest-free payment plan to assist in paying the spring semester balance. Check into Nelnet now; enrollment is open and first bills are due by January 2, 2021.



Due to the longer winter break, Geneva offers a fully online Winter Term from Dec. 9, 2020 to Jan. 15, 2021. 冬季学期的费用与夏季学期相同,为333美元/学分. 学生可立即报名.



新濠天地app关心学生的健康和福利. Geneva College requires ALL full-time traditional undergraduate students to carry health insurance.

帮助新濠天地app的学生遵守这一政策, each full-time traditional undergraduate student will be enrolled in a University Health Plan through Geneva College, UNLESS the student completes an online waiver with policy information showing that they already have health insurance coverage. The cost per year is $1,022 and coverage runs January 1 through July 31, 2021. 放弃学生健康保险的网站现已开通.



If your student brings a car to campus, they are required to purchase a parking permit. A single permit will be issued and may be transferred from one vehicle to another provided EACH 车辆已登记. All payments for permits will be made online after completing the application. The parking permit will be distributed to the student mailbox located in the Student Center.

一张停车许可证的费用是85美元. Students can submit their application and payment by logging into myGeneva/Student Information/Student Life Info and scroll down to Student Parking. 单击链接开始应用程序.



If students are eligible to receive a refund from their student accounts, 新濠天地app鼓励他们注册学生选择退款(SCR).) Once enrolled, Geneva will process refunds and deposit them directly into a bank account via an ACH transaction. 这样就不需要去银行存支票了, loss of checks, 和延迟存款. SCR流程通过学生的Nelnet帐户进行管理.

注册说明可在以下网站找到: http://0i.afroradionetwork.com/student-financial-services/tuition-costs-billing 你可以随时报名. 如果您有任何问题,请联系学生金融服务 sfs@afroradionetwork.com or call 724-847-6550.



The December Graduation Reception (in November) was a special time for the December graduates, 尽管今年的活动有所不同.

会议于周六举行, November 21 and in-person attendance was extremely limited due to COVID-19 restrictions. At the same time, many family and friends who wanted to watch the event were able to do so because it was livestreamed on YouTube. If you would like to watch the December Graduation Reception as it occurred, 你可以在youtube上观看视频.



新濠天地app已经与ECSI合作,帮助学生处理税务文件, enabling the opportunity to receive the 1098-T Tuition Statement electronically this year. 如果学生想以电子方式收到1098-T表格, 他们需要提供他们的信息并遵循指示.
Calendar of Events
DEC 4 End Finals (Remote)
DEC 11 新濠天地app圣诞音乐会,虚拟 7p.m.
DEC 14 Winter Term Begins
DEC 18 校友慈善音乐会,虚拟 7p.m.
JAN 16 Winter Term Ends
JAN 22 膳食计划更改截止日期

NOTICE: 日期可能会有变动

Staying Social

在过去的82年中, The Genevans have been performing their Annual Christmas Concert for the Geneva community, 海狸瀑布的邻居和各地的音乐爱好者. 2020年是2019冠状病毒病的一年,现场表演是不可能的, 这样的传统不能继续下去了.


新濠天地app人将举办他们的第83届年度圣诞音乐会, 周五到总理, December 11 at 7 p.m.这是他们的第一场完全虚拟的圣诞音乐会. 所有人都能享受这场音乐会. 题目是《新濠天地app》!,由Dr. David Kenneth Smith, the Christmas Concert is being recorded in First Presbyterian Church in Beaver Falls, 新濠天地app圣诞音乐会的传统举办地.

12月11日晚上7点.m. 访问新濠天地appYouTube频道观看该活动.
Things to Do

研究生学位会在你的学生甚至你的计划中吗? If so, we invite you to participate in the Geneva College Graduate Program Virtual Open House -- Tuesday, December 8 – at 7 p.m.

作为虚拟会话的一部分并不需要承诺, but it provides you with information needed to consider the next step in your education. 有任何问题准备好加入直播吗, 与新濠天地app的研究生项目主任进行互动, 在Zoom会议上的教职员工和招生顾问.

拥有五个热门硕士学位课程-心理咨询, Cybersecurity, Higher Education, MBA, and Education with School Counseling Certificate - and taught from a Christian worldview, Geneva’s Graduate Programs can help you fulfill your calling in the world.
Shining a Spotlight
Message to Students:
Counseling Services &
A Toolkit
作者:Amy Solman, LPC, CADC, cmh, MA,咨询服务主任
让我说,你做到了! We are very proud of you and the resilience you have shown in this unique semester. 在这样的时刻... I trust that the Lord will use the lessons and growth you've experienced to encourage you in your future challenges. Here in Counseling Services, we have created a "Mental Health Tool Kit @Home.“我想对乔治亚·斯科特表示深深的感谢, 新濠天地app的健康和咨询服务研究生助理, and Hannah Broadway, 新濠天地app的咨询服务助理主任, 感谢他们在这个资源上的辛勤工作.

你的家是否安全, 充满爱和安全的地方, 或者正好相反, 我知道这个工具包是为每个人准备的. We wanted to equip you with concrete and practical ways to cope with anxiety, depression and other feelings you might be experiencing in this unusual time that we are all living in. And remember, Counseling Services is not available for students over semester break- but if you want to meet with us when you return in the Spring- please reach out to me at alsolman@afroradionetwork.com. 暴风雨继续,快乐的休息!
老年人应该考虑打电话 & Career!
If your student is a senior and getting ready to start the job search, 鼓励他们去新濠天地app的职业和职业中心看看.

找到关于职业生涯的常见问题的答案, on-campus employment, 专业发展, graduate school, job search, interviewing, 简历和求职信, LinkedIn, 实习和新濠天地app等等.

Over break, they can also set up a virtual appointment with the Center for Calling and Career to help get started on the right path. Email calling@afroradionetwork.com 安排一个约会!
From Around Campus


关于租书的截止日期有一些问题. As noted in the email below, the due date for rental book returns is 12/4/2020. To clarify, 宽限期延长的是什么, 哪一个在2021年1月22日业务结束时结束. 在2021年1月22日之前,任何人都不会被收取不退费. Students will not see any charges as long as they return the books to the store on or prior to 1/22/2021.


The 欢迎晨星 Alumni Benefit Concert featuring Michael Kearney ’17 is a virtual format organ concert to raise funds and awareness for the COVID-19 Project Fund.


现在标记你的日历. 更多细节将陆续公布!


Students who want to change their meal plan can change it from now until January 22 (the first Friday of classes). 如果学生什么都不做,膳食计划将保持不变.

calling@afroradionetwork.com | 724-847-6572

ssc@afroradionetwork.com | 724-847-5566

cse@afroradionetwork.com | 724-847-6644

housing@afroradionetwork.com | 724-847-6641

Counseling Services
alsolman@afroradionetwork.com | 724-847-4081

Health Services
healthservices@afroradionetwork.com | 724-847-6666

Dean’s Office
bhinzman@afroradionetwork.com | 724-847-6641

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