新濠天地app新濠天地app-家长通讯- 2020年11月12日

父母供参考 combines important information from Geneva College to parents of Geneva students into one email communication. 它将继续定期发送给您. 如果你有反馈或问题 父母供参考,请联系 information@新濠天地app.edu.



Geneva College has just moved from a COVID-19 Code Status: Low to Code Status: Moderate. 这意味着什么,你应该怎么做?

想知道答案,请关注新濠天地app的主席,博士的最新消息. 卡尔文L. 特鲁普.



随着学期结束的变化和该地区COVID-19的激增, the college is making an immediate change to campus quarantine practices.



又到了那个时候了! Don't forget to have your student fill out their 2021-2022 FAFSA for the upcoming year. 学生们可以下载这个应用程序,并直接在他们的设备上填写. 把它们送到学生援助中心.现在就完成FAFSA!



春季学期的课程表公布了! It’s going to start a bit later, with classes beginning Tuesday, January 19. The schedule will not be as condensed as this fall has been and has some extra days off built in. 你自己去看看吧.



All full-time registered undergraduate students are eligible to enroll in a monthly, interest-free payment plan to assist in paying the spring semester balance. Check into Nelnet now; enrollment opens on December 2, 2020.



Due to the longer winter break, Geneva offers a fully online Winter Term from Dec. 2020年1月9日. 15, 2021. 冬季学期的费用与夏季学期相同,为333美元/学分. 学生可立即报名.



新濠天地app关心学生的健康和福利. Geneva College requires ALL full-time traditional undergraduate students to carry health insurance.

帮助新濠天地app的学生遵守这一政策, each full-time traditional undergraduate student will be enrolled in a University Health Plan through Geneva College, UNLESS the student completes an online waiver with policy information showing that they already have health insurance coverage. The cost per year is $1,022 and coverage runs January 1 through July 31, 2021. The website to waive the student health insurance will open on 11/30/2020.



If your student brings a car to campus, they are required to purchase a parking permit. A single permit will be issued and may be transferred from one vehicle to another provided 每一个 车辆已登记. All payments for permits will be made online after completing the application. The parking permit will be distributed to the student mailbox located in the Student Center.

一张停车许可证的费用是85美元. Students can submit their application and payment by logging into myGeneva/Student Information/Student Life Info and scroll down to Student Parking. 单击链接开始应用程序.



If students are eligible to receive a refund from their student accounts, 新濠天地app鼓励他们注册学生选择退款(SCR).)一经注册, Geneva will process refunds and deposit them directly into a bank account via an ACH transaction. 这样就不需要去银行存支票了, 支票丢失, 和延迟存款. SCR流程通过学生的Nelnet帐户进行管理.

注册说明可在以下网站找到: http://0i.afroradionetwork.com/student-financial-services/tuition-costs-billing 你可以随时报名. 如果您有任何问题,请联系学生金融服务 sfs@新濠天地app.edu 或致电724-847-6550.



For new freshmen11月ember 16 is the last date to withdraw from ONE course (WP, WF or WX grade).



因为新濠天地app的日程很紧, 12月的毕业招待会将比平时提前一点, 11月21日, 并将进行直播,供家长观看, 朋友和家人. Note: The 12月毕业酒会 is not an official commencement ceremony. Students may invite two guests FROM CAMPUS; however, 有人住在校外吗?, 包括父母, 由于COVID-19协议,不能被纳入客人.

If your student is planning to graduate this December but did not receive an email from the Provost's office in the past few weeks regarding the December Graduation event, 他或她应该联系注册办公室.

礼拜仪式每周三上午10点10分开始.m. 在校园的多个小组里. The new delivery via Facebook Livestreaming of this integral part of the Geneva College experience enables the community to focus on God and His word together – just it’s a little different than it’s been in the past.

You can watch any Chapel live on Wednesday mornings or watch replays on-demand.



新濠天地app已经与ECSI合作,帮助学生处理税务文件, enabling the opportunity to receive the 1098-T Tuition Statement electronically this year. 如果学生想以电子方式收到1098-T表格, 他们需要提供他们的信息并遵循指示.
11月10 - 19 校园食物推广活动
11月12 晚安,里夫斯
11月12 - 14 这是美好的生活,直播
11月13日 对话:警察改革,斯凯
11月16日 最后退课日期-新生
11月20日 Thanksmas,校园
11月21日 12月毕业酒会
11月25日 2020年秋季课程的最后一天
11月30 开始总决赛(远程)
12月4日 总决赛(远程)
1月22日 膳食计划更改截止日期

注意: 日期可能会有变动


It’s the first Digital Escape Room at McCartney Library – and you can join in the fun as a group or as individual. 你可以与好友竞争并尝试多次. Your answers are within the game, so keep your eyes open for potential clues.

这种逃离体验是由莎拉·麦克雷利创造的, 新濠天地app新濠天地app麦卡特尼图书馆流通服务部经理. 玩得开心... 新濠天地app希望你能毫发无损地逃脱!

The Geneva College Theater Program presents "It's a Wonderful Life," a radio-play production on Thu.11月. 12日至周五.11月. 14. Joe Landry has faithfully adapted Frank Capra’s classic film into an Old-time Radio adaptation complete with live sound effects and commercial jingles all in a 1940’s setting. Enjoy this life affirming story that has become a Christmas tradition with Geneva. 由于COVID-19的限制,将不提供内部入场. However, the shows will be live-streamed and available for viewing at no cost.
因为新濠天地app的秋季学期比平常提前结束了, we did not want to end without our traditional 12 Hours of Christmas day of fun. So, we decided to treat the campus community to Thanksmas - a celebration of Thanksgiving and Christmas all rolled into one, 在星期五.11月. 20! Everyone on campus will wear their favorite holiday attire and enjoy a variety of fun activities while practicing COVID-19 safety protocols. 这将是一个值得记住的日子——感恩节快乐!
At Geneva College, we live up to our motto "Pro Christo et Patria" – For Christ and Country. We place a high priority on members of the armed services as our family, 朋友, 邻居和同胞们. We are humbled by the willingness to sacrifice in their service of freedom, whether that means being away from loved ones or risking their lives in foreign lands. 这些选择在这里是光荣的.

新濠天地app社区将于周三联合起来.11月. 通过退伍军人节虚拟节目向新濠天地app的军人朋友致敬. This virtual program consisted of posting short videos throughout the day and participants met members of the Geneva community who have served and are currently serving. 它以上午8点(8点)升旗开始.m.),并于下午二时(晚上十点)奏响熄灯号结束.m.).


Resident Students must make sure to pay attention to actions to do before leaving for Thanksgiving this year. 还记得, it will be the end of the fall semester so it is also a time for end of semester activities, 太.


Students who want to change their meal plan can change it from now until January 22 (the first Friday of classes). 如果学生什么都不做,膳食计划将保持不变.


Students can join a group every Thursday on Reeves Field to play Ultimate, 踢球, 足球或者其他团体想要的. 

11月12日星期四晚7点.m. 在里夫斯菲尔德

calling@新濠天地app.edu | 724-847-6572

ssc@新濠天地app.edu | 724-847-5566

cse@新濠天地app.edu | 724-847-6644

housing@新濠天地app.edu | 724-847-6641

alsolman@新濠天地app.edu | 724-847-4081

healthservices@新濠天地app.edu | 724-847-6666

bhinzman@新濠天地app.edu | 724-847-6641

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